Synopsis: Akira Motoura, the former All-Japan ace, commands the girls' volleyball team of Aota Academy. All the girls are oversexed little nymphos who are always trying to jump their beloved coach, but he must resist for the sake of the team! ...or possibly his job. But since this is a hentai you can guess that he doesn't resist all *that* much...
VOLUME 1: Nanase Morimura, a very mysterious transfer student, joins the team. She's very shy and is an amazing player, but can only play at her best after the coach gives her a little 'relaxation therapy'.
VOLUME 2: Coach Motoura is missing after he saves Kozue from being raped by three hoodlums in the park. The team searches for him to no avail. Nao tries desperately to hold the team together while they play the championship game, but Nanase can't play the game unless the coach can unleash her sexual desires.