Synopsis: The creators of Bible Black series , the best selling S&M hentai anime series ever, are proud to give you Discipline, a sex-filled dreamy story of campus life where the gals are slutty, and the scenery so cock-busting!
Takuro, our hero, is drowning in sex! All the sexy girls with huge tits are after his manhood. And who can blame them. It's a throbbing monster that keeps growing when inside a girl's mouth and pussy! It can cum again and again for god knows how many times!
Maiko and her gangs manages to rescue Takuro and Saori from the hand of Reona, the leader of social club. Soon after, Reona gets caught and detained inside a cage to be raped and disgraced by someone who holds a grudge on her. Her pride being torn apart, Reona suspects Maiko as a culpit and tries to give her the same disgrace but......